I've been ill (cough, cough, splut) and, as a result, off swimming for the past 3 weeks. For shame. To be fair, trying to swim when you can't breath for hawking up globules the colour of 70s carpet swatches isn't pretty and can be a little distressing when you don't have the natural ability to absorb oxygen through chlorinated water. I can live with not going for that reason. But, that kept me off for two weeks. This third week of laziness is attributed to me being a little princess and refusing to go to the pool until I had bought me some new nose clips. "Why", you don't cry? Well, I'm allergic to the pool and suffer from a blocked nose for two days after swimming. Given that I train 2-3 times a week then I would be premanently bunged up. I don't want that. However, I should have ordered the clips sooner - as soon as I got ill - so I could start as soon as I was better because I knew swimming stamina drops dramatically if you don't go for a while. What you can achieve is only good to about a week of when you last thrashed in a pool. I didn't act fast enough and now I have to claw my fitness back and beyond to hit three miles, which began today with a mile that pooped my little arms out.
10 weeks. 2 miles to go. Eye of the tiger.
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